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Let’s get started with the fundamentals.
This playlist covers the basic functions of Intelligence Reporting. Learn how to run reports into Excel, customise to your needs and then simply save them for future use. In addition, see how to organize your reports in folders.
Mastering the fundamentals to take your reports to the next level.
Now that you are feeling comfortable with running and saving reports, let’s work on mastering the fundamentals. Learn how to customize your reports to suit your needs and enhance the information placed into the Excel. Via report properties apply filters and use system variables to help retrieve only the data you want to view.
Starting out with Sally
As a business owner, getting a handle on your business’s finances doesn’t mean you have to become an accountant. But you do need to know what the numbers mean and where they come from. Join Sally, an entrepreneur who’s used Sage Intelligence Reporting to come to grips with her numbers, as she guides you through practical ways to improve your financial reporting skills.